George Gerapetritis


George Gerapetritis is professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Director of the faculty’s Department of Public Law. He studied in Athens (LL.B.), Edinburgh (LL.M.) and Oxford (D.Phil), has been a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford and the University of London and has taught European and comparative constitutional law and history in many universities worldwide. He has been Fellow of the State Scholarships Foundation of Greece, of the British Council, of the US German Marshall Fund and of the French Council of State. He has published 6 books and about 100 articles and contributions in legal and economic periodicals in English, French and Greek and has addressed more than 100 speeches around the world. He is practicing law before the Greek Council of State, the Court of Justice the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights.


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